New release of Ensemble Tofino is now available at our company's website here. The latest release includes features such as:
- intellisense code completion for Action Script and MXML sources
- debugging flex applications
- object browser now has type references as active hyperlinks
- "show all files" for flex projects in the solution explorer
- comes in 2 variants, one with rebundled Flex SDK, and one without
- Options page added. Access the options page via Tools > Options > Projects > Flex Projects
- "Go to definition" in Flex sources and object browser
- and many more
For complete change log, please go here.
For support questions, please send them to
Tofino is available for free.
Happy coding and merry Christmas/Happy holidays!
Dave in snowy vancouver.
does this work with the free Visual Studio express ??
Hi Firdosh,
Unfortunately Visual Studio Express doesn't allow add-ons, it's a Microsoft policy.
For support questions around tofino, feel free to email You will get much faster response.
Hi, I've installed this tool on VS2008, but after creating Flex project VS outputs following errors:
04:09:04 *** Unexpected java bridge exception.
Using JVM: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
OS: Windows XP (Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.initialize(TraceCallback errorCallback)
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.EnsureInitialized()
Maybe you know whats wrong?
Thanks ahead
Excellent add-on!
How would you go about theming the fonts? :P
Lame request, but highly needed :)
Would be kewl if I could apply this theme to actionscript files
I also got the same error as mentioned by Lioshyi. Did any solutions found for this problem?
I am also getting the exception as below, please suggest if you get the work around.
Error 1 unexpected exception: Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridgeException: Unexpected java bridge exception.
Tofino version: JVM: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
OS: Windows XP (Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2) ---> Ensemble.General.Support.AssertionFailure: Flex SDK not found: C:\Program Files\Ensemble\Tofino\sdks\3.2.0
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.TofinoConfig.get_FlexHome()
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.<>c__DisplayClass1.< StartBuild >b__0()
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.InvokedUnLockedAction(JavaAction action)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.InvokedUnLockedAction(JavaAction action)
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.InvokedLockedAction(JavaAction action)
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.StartBuild(String projectDir, LogCallback logCallback, ProgressCallback progressCallback)
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Compiler.FlexBuilder.Build()
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Project.FlexProject.InvokeMsBuild(String target) -1 0
Hi Everyone,
I dont check my blog frequently enough. Please use for any support questions. The problems you are facing is a memory fragmentation issues, and we have fixed in the latest build. See
Hi David,
I got it working wit the changes in settings in Tofino.config file (setting min and max heap size to 0)
<!-- heap values are in megabytes -->
Please let me know if it is the right way to get it working ??
I got the latest Tofino version but still got the same exception as others did. Any suggestions?
0/0 or 0/256 should work. Some users have reporting that a setting of 0/0 fails on large projects, however, 0/256 seems to working fine. Note, this is due to memory fragmentation issues. 0/0 means to use the system default for jvm minimum and maximum.
same exception here - I installed the sdk seperately...
Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridgeException: Unexpected java bridge exception.
Tofino version: JVM: C:\devenv\sdk\jdk1.5.0_11/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll
OS: Windows XP (Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.EnsureInitialized()
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.InvokedUnLockedAction(JavaAction action)
--- End of inner exception
However this exception appears when loading the project also:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.initialize(TraceCallback errorCallback)
at Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.EnsureInitialized()
while in Ensemble.Tofino.Plugin.Support.FlexJavaBridge.GetSwfPackages()
Did anyone get a solution to this exception?
Tried the latest version 2.2010.1.7 but doesn't work. Same exception.
I wonder if anyone was able to use this add-on.
Yes I solved it. First of all my dear comrades, in order to install the Tofino (Flex) framework, previously you need to install the Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008. If there's a previous update, like: KB945140 or any other patch to VS2008 (installed by SQLSERVER 2008 or windows automatically <- this is why I hate that) then remove it MANUALLY (Control Panel & physical folders).
Do not use the "Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack Preparation Tool" to do that, because this application is just useless.
Then follow the steps:
1. Download and install the Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 not the beta one, but the real one.
2. If you already have install tofino (flex) framework then remove it completely (Control panel & physical folder); if you don't have installed it yet then attaboy!
3. Install again the Tofino (flex) component, from skratch.
4. run the following command:
devenv /resetskippkgs and it will reload the components for ya.
VoilĂ !
I had a same problem then I found It is related to Java version.
Follow this same method as Fabrizio said but make sure you have JDK/JRE 6.0 (31 release) [JavaSetup6u31.exe] works for me.
In this forum they say tofino still not working properly with JAVA JDK 7
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